Make a Claim

For Emergency and Medical Assistance

In the event that you require emergency medical treatment while on abroad, please contact the nominated emergency assistance service referred to in this policy. Our appointed emergency assistance service is Northcott Global Solutions Ltd. (NGS).

For emergency and medical assistance please contact:

Telephone (UK): +44 (0)20 7183 8910

Back up Mobile (UK): +44 (0)7785 627 433


You'll need to provide with the following details to NGS:

  • Your name, location and details (including passport/visa etc.)
  • Your Employer, Company or Organisation (if applicable)
  • The Schedule Number and Period of Insurance shown in the Schedule and stating NGS Ref: NGSCVS001
  • The name and phone number of the Doctor and Hospital treating You
  • The telephone or facsimile number on which You or Your representatives can be contacted
  • Your address abroad
  • The nature of the Emergency and/or medical problem

For Non-Emergency Medical and Non-Medical Claims

You should contact the claims handlers as soon as you become aware of any circumstances likely to give rise to a travel insurance claim. Our appointed Claims Handler is Claims Settlement Agencies Ltd.

For non-emergency medical and non-medical claims please call: +44 (0)1702 427 172 or email

You can also contact them by post:

Claims Settlement Agencies Ltd.
308-314 London Road
United Kingdom

If you need to make a claim, you must contact us as soon as you can and in any event within 30 days of becoming aware of the circumstances. If you submit your claim thereafter we may deny Your claim, unless it is shown not to have been reasonably possible to give such notice and that notice was given as soon as was practicably possible, but in no event later than 90 days after the date of loss.

If you need to contact us about anything else, please click here to go the contact us page.